Radon is a naturally occurring, oderless, tasteless, colorless, radioactive gas.  Below are common questions and answers about Radon and why it is such a danger to human health. Please visit the Unites States Environmental Protection Agency’s Radon website http://www.epa.gov/radon/ for more information about Radon.

Where does Radon come from?

Radon occurs naturally as an indirect decay product of either uranium or thorium in soil, rock, or even water.  Radon enters your home or other building through foundation cracks and other openings, where it can in many cases build up to levels dangerous to your health.

Why is it dangerous?

Radon is dangerous because it can accumulate to high concentrations inside of buildings.  This gaseous radioactive material is easily breathed into the lungs.  This places Radon as the number two cause of lung cancer, after cigarette smoking.

How do I test for high levels of Radon?

To find out if you are at risk, you should have a test performed to determine the level of Radon emissions in your home.  The EPA recommends all home owners get their home tested for Radon, regardless of where you live.  You may choose to have your home professionally tested or purchase a Radon testing kit available from many home improvement/hardware stores or from a national program such as KSU’s National Radon Program Services.

What do I do if my home has high levels of Radon?

If your home has a Radon level of 4 pCi/L or more, you need to consult a professional Radon mitigator.  A Radon mitigator will create a solution to reduce Radon in your home to acceptable levels, which in turn will reduce the possibility of severe, long term damage to your and your family’s health.  Contact us to set up a time to inspect your home and develop a custom Radon mitigation system for you!


Did you test high for radon?

We offer free estimates!  We don’t just try to get your home below the legal limit, we try to remove the radon to the best of our ability.  We’d love to show you what makes us different.

Contact us today!